Meaningful Easter Safari 2025

Meaningful Safari Easter 2025

12 - 21 April 2025

Fully booked

Meaningful safari – a different kind of safari! You will experience the traditional safari, driving through the national park of this magnificent country and seeing the range of animals the nature has to offer.

An informative tour with a lot of activities. We guarantee this will be a unique experience. A theme throughout the trip is to learn and see various aspects of Kenya; African wildlife, beautiful nature, wonderful people, and exotic tribe-culture.

Meaningful Safari in Kenya

Nairobi - Kitui - Rift Valley - Maasai Mara - Nairobi

12th - 21st April 2025 (In Norway 22nd.)


Departure from Gardermoen – Saturday 12th April

Departure from Oslo Gardermoen 0630 (flight AF1275) to Paris. Arriving Paris 0905. Departure Paris 1100 (flight AF814) Arriving Nairobi 2040. 

We are met by our safari driver Daniel who will take us to our guesthouse. 

Accommodation: Scripture Mission Guesthouse

Day 2, Sunday 13th April, Nairobi - Kitui

After late breakfast we will drive to Kitui. The distance is 150 km, but we will have some stops on the way. We will stop in Wamunyu town for lunch, and to visit a wood carving factory.  

From Wamunyou it´s about one hour drive to Kitui. In the afternoon we will have dinner at the guesthouse. The guesthouse is located on Daniel´s farm, and is the center for Help to Selfjelps projects. 

Accommodation: Flamingo Guesthouse/Kitui Villa hotel

Meals included:: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.  

Day 3, Monday 14th April, Be a Kamba for a day

Breakfast at Flamingo farm 8.30am. The program for today is called; Be a Kamba for a day. That means that you will interact with the locals, do home visits and learn a little bit about their daily life. We will meet some of the women who are supported by Help to Selfhelp to run their own small business.  

Accommodation: Flamingo Guesthouse/Kitui Villa hotel

Meals included: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Day 4, Tuesday 15th April, Visit Kanini Women Group. The basket makers 

Breakfast at Flamingo farm 8.30am. Today we will meet Kanini Women Group. They are 35 ladies who have their own small business weaving baskets. Help to Selfhelp buys the baskets and sell them in Norway. We will also visit a local marked. 

In the afternoon we will drive to Kitiu town and visit Kitui School for the Mentally handicapped.

Dinner at Kitui Villa Hotel.

Accommodation: Flamingo Guesthouse/Kitui Villa hotel

Meals: Breakfast and light lunch. Dinner at own cost.  

Day 5, Wednesday 16th April, Kitui - Naivasha

After breakfast, we say goodbye to our friends in Kwa Wasya and start our drive up to lake Naivasha in Rift Valley. We will have lunch at Chania Falls.


Accommodation: Burch Resort Naivasha

Meals: Breakfast and dinner. Lunch at own cost.

Day 6, Thursday 17th April, Full day in Naivasha

Today we have a full day in Naivasha. We start before breakfast with a one-hour guided boat trip on the lake to see hippoes, birds and other wildlife. After breakfast, we will visit a rose factory. The rest of the day is for relaxation at the swimmingpool. Or you can choose to go for spa-treatment or shopping.

Accommodation: Burch Resort Naivasha

Meals: Breakfast and dinner. Lunch at own cost.

Day 7, Friday 18th April, Maasai Mara

After early breakfast, we start our journey to Maasai Mara National Reserve. Enjoy the drive through wonderful scenery and landscape. 


Accommodation: AA lodge

Meals: Breakfast, picnic-lunch and dinner

Day 8, Saturday 19th April, Full day in Maasai Mara

Maasai Mara has the largest conservation of animals in Kenya and in the northern part of the Tanzanian Serengeti National Park. We have a full day in the park and will have picnic lunch in the wilderness. You will see the Mara River with hippos and crocodiles. In Maasai Mara National Reserve there is almost a “Big five” guarantee! In the evening, we will sit around the bonfire in our camp. Maasai Mara National Reserve has won the Africa's Leading National Park award for the sixth time in a row. 

Accommodation: AA lodge

Meals: Breakfast, picnic-lunch and dinner


Day 9, Sunday 20th April, Back to Nairobi

After breakfast we drive back to Nairobi, arriving lunchtime.  

In the evening we will have dinner in one of the garden restaurants in Karen area.  

Accommodation: Scripture Mission Guesthouse

Meals included: Breakfast and picnic lunch. Dinner in Nairobi at own cost. 

Day 10, Monday 21st April, Full day in Nairobi

After breakfast we will do sightseeing in Nairobi. Detailed program in Nairobi will be decided later. 

Our flight departure time is 23.59 with KL 566 to Amsterdam. Arriving Amsterdam 0800. Departure Amsterdam 09.20 with KL 1199  arriving Oslo 11.05. 

Meals included: Breakfast. Lunch and dinner at own cost.


Terms and conditions

The price is NOK 24000,- pr person. Additional charge for single room: NOK 2000. The price is based on minimum 10 travelers. 


Included: Air travel from Oslo Airport Gardermoen to Nairobi Jumo Kenyatta International and return, accommodation and meals as mentioned in the program, entrance-fee to Maasai Mara National Reserve, 1-hour hippo safari in Naivasha, all transport and excursions in Nairobi and Kitui.

You will have proffesional safariguides and Norwegian tour guides. 


Not included: Travel Authorisation to Kenya USD 25, tip and drinks to the meals..


We have to take reservations for variation in the different currencies, price changes and other conditions we do not control. There may be minor changes in the program depending on weather conditions, special wishes from the participants, and other issues we can not forsee. 

All travelers must have travel insurance. On our trips you will receive an invoice and cannot pay by credit card. 


Here is some general information in Norwegian, Reisehåndboka in Norwegian, and travel-advices for Kenya. For Norwegians: Download reiseklarappen from UD.



Binding registration by paying NOK 4800 per person. (Not refundable). It's first-come first-served principle that applies. Registration stops when there are 12 travelers. There must be least 10 registered by 20th October. If not the group trip will be cancelled and the deposit refunded. The trip can still be organised, but an addition to the price must then be expected. 

Confirm payment on mail with names of the travelers:

Final payment 5th January 2025.


Hjelp til selvhjelp i Afrika

Sanderveien 23, 1400 Ski, Norway


Bank: Sparebanken Sør


Bank account 2801 24 26447

IBAN NR: NO7928012426447



We can recommend travel insurance from Gjensidige
